Babiogórski National Park
34-223 Zawoja 1403, Poland
tel. +48 33 877 51 10
tel. +48 33 877 67 02
fax: +48 33 877 55 54
NIP 552-171-36-27, Regon 122462192
The account number for payments:
81 1130 1150 0012 1252 7820 0001
our bank: BGK o/Kraków
Welcome to our website of the Babia Góra National Park. You will find it to be a great source of information about the natural and cultural aspects of the region, with a variety of curiosities from the world of nature and a detailed description of the Park’s activities.
The Babia Góra National Park was established by government order on 30 October 1954 (Journal of Law No 4, item 25 of 4 February 1955). It covered the area of 1703.70 hectares, of which 97 hectares was private property. Most of the land (1049.88 ha) was subject to strict legal protection, and the area of 324.89 ha was under partial protection.
The establishment of the Babia Góra National Park may be attributed to many factors, such as: the model layout of plant layers, communities of rock plants, unique in Poland plant sites of laserpitium archangelica, cerastium alpinum, tozzia alpina. The top parts of Babia Góra mountain represent the only alpine belt to be found in the Beskids, with a number of small ponds that have been created by landslides. These are only some of the reasons for establishing a National Park in this area.
In 1977 Babia Góra, within the area of the National Park, acquired the status of Biosphere Reserve and was included in the UNESCO “Man and Biosphere” programme. In 1997, after 20 years of continuous attempts to enlarge the Park, a government order eventually increased its area to 3,391.55 hectares. A transitional area was also established covering 8,437 ha.
We hope that the information available on our website will encourage you to come and visit The Babia Góra National Park. You will be most welcome!
Babiogórski National Park
34-223 Zawoja 1403, Poland
tel. +48 33 877 51 10
tel. +48 33 877 67 02
fax: +48 33 877 55 54
NIP 552-171-36-27, Regon 122462192
The account number for payments:
81 1130 1150 0012 1252 7820 0001
our bank: BGK o/Kraków